Thursday, January 30, 2014

Royal Conservatory of Music Development Program Assessments

This year's Spring assessments will be held at Sherwood on May 31st. The registration deadline is February 11th, so please make sure to create your online profile on their website and enroll before the deadline. Once you have registered, the Sherwood center representative (Tamara Gonzalez) will put together the assessment schedule.

Register here:

Why participate in the program?

  • The Music Development Program performance assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of a student’s current abilities on his/her chosen instrument, including voice. Students and teachers work together to choose and prepare a selection of repertoire to perform for the adjudicator as well as preparing technical and musicianship requirements according to the syllabus/program guidelines. Upon successful completion of the assessment, students have access to the adjudicator’s comments in detailed marking forms. Once all the components of an assessment are successfully completed, students are awarded certificates. The process is designed to recognize individual development and achievement and offer positive and constructive feedback that enhances a student’s current studies and provides an opportunity for growth, both for the student and his/her teacher.
    •  Music Development Program is a comprehensive system with built-in flexibility. 

    • Students, families, and teachers can set appropriate goals that reflect an individual student’s needs while meeting the rigor and discipline of a national standard. 
    • Musical creativity, artistry, personal expression, and a love of music are fostered in the program. 
    • The comprehensive nature of the Music Development Program also supports life and learning skills needed for innovation in a global world: creative process, problem solving, discipline, self-regulated learning, and focus.
    • Motivation outside of recitals or competitions 
    • The curriculum is very flexible and comprehensive. It has been adopted in some states as their state curriculum and guidelines. 
    • The higher levels are akin to AP testing in academic subjects. You will have printable online transcripts that can quantify your child’s progress effectively for college or school applications
    • Increases engagement of parents in the process as well as ensures that the instructor is teaching in a comprehensive way
    • The adjudicator’s report will provide both number grades and written comments on each aspect of the assessment. The Music Development Program’s adjudicators undergo rigorous training to ensure a consistent standard of grading across the country. Written comments are intended to recognize achievement and recommend areas for growth and development.

    The Music Development Program grades according to the following scale:
    First Class Honors with Distinction: 90 – 100%
    First Class Honors: 80 – 89%
    Honors: 70 – 79%

    Pass: 60 – 69%

    How do I decide what level to assess at? 

    Working closely with your instructor, use the syllabi online to put together your child's assessment program. Below are some examples of assessment programs. 

    Preparatory Level: 
    Select from List A- Go Tell Aunt Rhody or Long Long Ago
    Select from List B- May Song, Song of the Wind, O Come Little Children or Allegro
    Etude- D Scale Waltz
    Scales- A Major & D Major
    Arpeggios- A Major & D Major
    Simple rhythm clapback and 4 note playback

    Level 1: 
    Select from List A- Andantino or Chorus from Judas Maccabeus
    Select from List B- Minuet 1, Allegretto or Happy Farmer
    Etudes- Etude or Perpetual Motion w doubles plus another short etude & open string exercise
    Scales- G Major 2 Octave/ C Major 1 octave/ A & D minor 1 octave
    Arpeggios- G Major 2 Octave/ C Major 1 octave/ A & D minor 1 octave
    Clapback- 3-4 measures long
    Playback- 4 notes long (in A or D Major)

    Level 2: 
    Select from List A- Musette or Long Long Ago Bk 2
    Select from List B- Minuet 2, Minuet 3, Bourree or Hunter’s Chorus
    Etudes- Perpetual Motion in G Major 3rd position plus Wohlfahrt #1 or Gym plus open string exercise
    Scales- G & A Major, G & A minor 2 Octave/ F Major in 1 octave/ D Major in 3rd pos. 1 octave
    Arpeggios-G & A Major, G & A minor 2 Octave/ F Major in 1 octave/ D Major in 3rd pos. 1 octave
    Clapback- 3-4 measures long
    Playback- 5 notes long (in A, D or G Major)
    Identifying intervals- Major 3rd and Perfect 5th

    Level 3: 
    Select from List A- Bach Minuet, Becker Gavotte, Gossec Gavotte, Lully Gavotte or Martini Gavotte 
    Select from List B- Waltz or Two Grenadiers
    Select from List C- Donkey Doodle
    Etudes- Trott #1 and Wohlfahrt #4 plus open string exercise
    Scales- Bb, C & D Major & minor 2 octaves/ F Major & minor 1 octave in 2nd position/ Chromatic 1 octave on open D
    Arpeggios- Bb, C & D Major & minor 2 octaves/ F Major & minor 1 octave in 2nd position 
    Clapback- 4 measures long
    Playback- 5-8 notes long (in A, D or G Major
    Identifying intervals- Major & minor 3rd, Perfect 5th & Perfect Octave
    Sight Reading- clap a 4 measure long example & play a 12 measure long piece that is early book 1 level in difficulty

    Level 4: 
    Select from List A-  Seitz concerto 5 mvt 1
    Select from List B- Gavotte from Mignon or Gavotte in g minor
    Select from List C- Humoresque, Boccherini Minuet or Puppet Show
    Etudes- Trott #5 or 9/ Wohlfahrt # 6
    Scales- Ab, B & Eb Major & minor 2 octaves/ E Major 1 octave in 4th pos./ chromatic starting on E 
    Arpeggios- Ab, B & Eb Major & minor 2 octaves/ E Major 1 octave in 4th pos./ Dominant chords
    Clapback- 2-3 measures long
    Playback- 6 notes long (in A, D, G or C Major)
    Identifying intervals- Major & minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Perfect Octave
    Sight Reading- clap a 4 measure long example & play a 12 measure long piece that is book 2 level in difficulty

    Level 6- 
    List A-  Vivaldi A minor 3rd mvt or Vivaldi G minor 1st mvt
    List B- Handel F Major Sonata- pick 2 mvts
    Select from List C- Rameau Gavotte 
    Etudes- Any Trott 19-30 and any Kreutzer 2-6 
    Scales- G & A Major & minor 3 octaves/ Db Major & minor 2 octaves/ D Major 1 octave on A string/ chromatic on B & Bb
    Arpeggios- G & A Major & minor 3 octaves/ Db Major & minor 2 octaves/ D Major 1 octave on A string/ Dominant 7ths 
    Clapback- 2-4 measures long
    Playback- 9 notes long (in E, A, D, G or C Major)
    Identifying intervals- Major 2nds, Major & minor 3rds, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major minor 6ths, Perfect Octaves + Major & minor triads 
    Sight Reading- clap 4 measures of rhythm & play 16-20 measures in any time signature at book 4 level 

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